When we started our project, sixty-one individuals lived at Keystone Community Residence (154 Front Street in South Plainfield). Currently, just thirty-four people reside there. We anticipate that our Fords Group Home, in Woodbridge Township, will open November 15. Furthermore, we anticipate that our Brandywine and Netherwood Group Homes will open their doors December 1 and December 15, respectively. By the end of 2014, twenty-one individuals will remain at Keystone Community Residence.
After meeting again with the Department of Human Services’ personnel, there has been a change in our proposal. Originally, two six-bed group homes were to remain in Somerset and Grant Apartments. There is a strong possibility that residential and vocational programs being housed in the same building will be prohibited. Therefore, we have amended our project so that upon completion, there will be no residents living at 154 Front Street. This allows us to purchase five additional homes. We are hopeful that our project will be completed by the end of 2015. Incidentally, Grant Apartment will be the last to close.
Concurrent with the opening of Fords Group Home, Somerset Apartment will be closed. Those individuals living in Somerset will move to Edison and Middlesex Apartments. Somerset Apartment will be renovated to house our Administrative Offices. On the lower level, the Nursing Office will remain. A training center will be erected in the current kitchen.
We also plan to expand our Vocational Program into Grant Apartment. Middlesex and Edison Apartment programs may also become additional space for our Vocational Program or utilized as offices that we might lease to another agency.
Good luck in all of Keystone future endeavors.